Tuesday, 14 August 2018


Llanblethian resident, David Webb has installed some Swift bricks in his chimney. He's hoping to add a call system next spring. They're not easy to see but you can just make out the entrance holes near the top of the chimney. Well done, David.

More on All Saints

Howard and I installed the boxes in All Saints yesterday. It's a 10 box system, installed in the bell tower. They are facing east towards Bethel Church which has had nesting Swifts in the past.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

All Saints, Barry

Howard Driver has built more boxes for our "Swifts in churches" project. We're hoping to get them installed in the autumn. It is a 10 box system. To date our church boxes haven't attracted nesting Swifts but we're ever hopeful.

Swifts in Llanharan

A couple of weeks ago Tony Swann sent us these photos of Swifts entering/leaving nest sites in his street in Llanharan.